Contact Me

This is where you get a hold of me. I typically respond in less than 24 hours, on weekdays. I do my best to give my weekends to my family and my dogs, so I can’t guarantee an immediate reply on weekends.


(Best way) Email: or

Etsy messenger: Please use your order receipt and select “Contact Seller” to start a conversation.

YouTube comments: I usually get notified for these, so I can get back to them pretty fast.


Facebook/IG Messenger: I don’t always get these notifications, so it can be some time before I find your message.

Post in the Facebook Group: If you have a pattern question, even if I don’t see it right away, someone amazing will be able to help you here.

Ravelry message: These get lost in the shuffle sometimes. If you purchased on Ravelry, I am more than happy to help you via email.

Please Don’t Use

Pinterest messages or comments on Pins: I rarely get notifications for these, if ever.

Blog Post Comments: Again, I just don’t get notified consistently enough.

Paypal or any Payment Portal: It is so much easier to connect with me other ways. If you need help with an order, email me or message me within the platform.